
5 Tips to get light right for reading

Autumn has arrived with a colourful flourish and it seems like the perfect opportunity to talk about one of the perks of the season... curling up with a good book. Whether reading a paperback, e-reader or tablet, here are our tips to get the right reading light and reading environment:

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EU Halogen Ban

Halogen light bulbs will be banned in the UK as a result of EU legislation effective from 1 September. The legislation is designed to push consumers and businesses into switching to energy efficient LEDs. Here’s everything you need to know about the ban and how it will affect you.

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Lighting & Personal Effectiveness

In this article we begin to explore the important impact that the quality and quantity of light has on our sense of wellbeing and ability to carry out daily tasks. How would you feel about working in the space in the photo? Inspired, energetic, enthusiastic...? Unlikely.

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Lighting adds £££s to property value

If you are thinking of renovating, selling or renting out a property, the results of several National and International surveys were released during 2017-18 and provide evidence that good lighting is an important factor in perceived property value, ‘kerb-appeal’ and buying decisions.

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What is 'Light Nutrition'?

When the nights are long and days short, getting up for work and coming home again in the dark can be grim. Some of us succumb to the 'Winter blues', leading to increased illness, reduced productivity and feelings of melancholy. Can lighting improve our sleep and lift our moods?

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